Simulado Polícia Militar da Bahia - PMBA | Oficial PM | 2019 pre-edital | Questão 20

Língua Inglesa / Compreensão de textos verbais e não-verbais

Patient Confidentiality and Recordkeeping Privacy is a patient right. Dentists have an ethical and
legal responsibility to safeguard patient information. Patient
information includes such information as personal data, medical
history, diagnosis, treatment, and financial situation.
Patient information should be shared only on a need-to-
know basis with those who participate in the care of the patient. ....CONECTIVO....
disclosure is required or permitted by law, patient
information should not be shared with anyone without the
patient's written permission. Court orders, subpoenas and
investigations by the Office of Professional Discipline are
examples of disclosures that may be required even in the
absence of the patient's consent.
Health professionals are required to maintain records for
each patient that accurately reflect the evaluation and treatment
of the patient according to section 29.2(a)(3) of the Rules of the
Board of Regents. All patient records must be retained for at
least six years, with the exception of records for minor patients,
which must be maintained for at least six years and for one year
after the minor patient reaches the age of 21.
(Adapted from NY State Education Department − Office of the Pro-

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna ....CONECTIVO.... , de acordo com o contexto, é

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Fonte: ANALISTA LEGISLATIVO - TAQUíGRAFO / Assembleia Legislativa/SP / 2012 / FCC