Simulado Serviço Federal de Proc. de Dados - SERPRO | Analista - Redes | 2019 pre-edital | Questão 69

Língua Inglesa / Itens gramaticais relevantes para a compreensão dos conteúdos semânticos

The first step in the teaching of culture is increasing
the students’ awareness of the breadth and the nature of that
culture. Slowly this initial awareness will translate itself into a
feeling of familiarity, with the result that the culture will no
longer appear “strange “and “foreign”.
The development of cultural awareness consists
primarily in the introduction and continued reintroduction of
cultural facts of all kinds: geographical information,
sociological data, historical personalities and events,
contributions in the arts and sciences, and so forth. This
cultural material is not simply presented in list form for
memorization. Nor is its use limited to a few cultural slides
presentations the day before vacation. It must be continually
entered and reentered so that it becomes part of the students’
general fun of knowledge.
Much of the presentation of culture is
teacher-initiated. The teacher plans classroom audiovisual
material. Students-oriented activities, however, should not be
forgotten: frequently students learn more from projects that
they themselves have developed. For instance, in an
intermediate Spanish class one of the African students prepared
a report, with recorded excerpts, on the African influence in
Latin American music and presented it with such enthusiasm
and authority that the entire class benefited greatly. D.E. Allen and R. M. Valette. Classroom techniques: foreign languages and English
as a second-language skills. Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, 1977 (adapted).

Judge the following items according to the text above.

The pronoun “that” (L.19) could be correctly replaced by

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