Simulado Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários - ANTAQ | Analista Administrativo | 2019 pre-edital | Questão 191

Língua Inglesa / Itens gramaticais relevantes para a compreensão dos conteúdos semânticos

It’s easy to suppose that we all feel the same way
about global warming. After all, everybody wants to save the
world. We all want to make a contribution, however small, and
we all do our best. You aren’t one of those people who wastes
water. And I’ m sure you’ve got low-energy light bulbs in your
house. Not everyone is so enthusiastic, of course. Some people
wonder what they can do to help, and don’t really know what
to do, until they find out by paying attention to what the
world’s scientists are saying. At least, we all hope this is true.
Still, there are quite a lot of people who just hope that the
problem will go away. Why do they do this, we might ask.
Don’t they want to make a difference?
Their usual response is “We don’t really know
whether the climate is changing”. Well, there’s plenty of
evidence of climate change. We know that we are wasting
energy and polluting the planet. It’s all quite simple really. And
if you do know anyone who is still uncertain about whether to
save the world or not, your message to them should be clear.
What are you waiting for? If you think this is just somebody
else’s problem, it will, very soon, be your problem as well. M. Vince. Macmillan English Grammar in
Context. Oxford: Macmillan Education, 2008 (adapted).

According to the text, judge the following items.

The term “hope” (L.10) is synonymous with expect.

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