Simulado Tribunal de Contas da União - TCU | Auditor Federal de Controle Externo - Auditoria Governamental | 2019 pre-edital | Questão 1055

Língua Inglesa / Itens gramaticais relevantes para a compreensão dos conteúdos semânticos

The proposition “Copyright is Dead, Long Live the
Pirates” was put to the audience after a debate last night on
intellectual property and the need to ensure creators of content
are paid for their work.
Of the audience at Melbourne Town Hall, 49% voted
for the proposition, with 36% against and 15% undecided.
The forum was part of a year-round program of7
lectures, readings and debates.
Lori Flekser, executive director of the Intellectual
Property Awareness Foundation and general manager of the
Motion Picture Distributors Association of Australia asserted
copyright is not dead, quoting statistics for 2010-2011 which
showed more than 900,000 people were employed in the
copyright industries, which generated an economic value of
$93.2 billion and just over $7 billion in exports.
“It’s very clear from our research that the public either
do not or choose not to understand that the victims of piracy
are not simply studio executives, music companies and
high-profile actors and musicians,” she said. D. Groves. Copyright is dead. Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The verb form “ensure” (R.3) could be replaced by make
without changing the meaning of the text.

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